Petworth local offers Zumba classes designed for busy parents

by Marylin Rodriguez

It’s Wednesday night and I miraculously made it to a fitness class. As a first time mom I’ve struggled to find my way back into an exercise routine. Sometimes I struggle just finding workout clothes that still fit, and finding the motivation is harder still. There is limited time in a day when you are chasing around a small child. Netflix and a glass of wine are a likelier weeknight fall back than hitting the gym.

But on a recent Wednesday night, Melissa Hough leads me and a group of mostly new moms through a series of low and high intensity moves to the sound of Latin rhythms. The Zumba class, offered at 8:15pm on Wednesdays at Yoga Heights (3506 Georgia Ave NW), allows parents to work out at a time that accommodates children’s bedtime schedules.

Our instructor Melissa has a unique and unlikely story: She herself admits that she never imagined herself as a fitness instructor. After all, she used to be that kid who used a doctor’s note to get out of gym class. The Petworth resident was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of three and spent the first part of her childhood undergoing a series of treatments that eventually led to a bone marrow transplant. This procedure left Melissa weak and immunocompromised for many years, facing difficulties with even something as simple as getting onto the school bus.

Yet years later, thanks to the success of that bone marrow transplant, Melissa went from being a cancer survivor to Zumba instructor.

Zumba, for the uninitiated, is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Pérez in the early 2000s. It’s a combination of dance and aerobic exercise performed to energetic Latin and international music. It is a great way to get a full-body workout, helping you burn calories, improve cardiovascular health and tone your muscles (it’s also a lot of fun and very social).

Melissa herself discovered Zumba later in life, at a time when she didn’t know she had it in her to be a dancer. One day, after returning from Prague where she was teaching English, she decided to do a Google search for dance and fitness. She found a class that offered a free first class. "It was love at first sight," she said.

Years later she took over her instructor's class while she went on maternity leave. That was more than 10 years ago now. These days her goal is to help others fall in love with the popular dance in Petworth.

The parent-friendly, late-evening classes came about thanks to Amelia Rock, another Petworth local, who reached out to Melissa after growing tired trying to find a fitness class that could accommodate her children’s bedtime schedule. Together they searched for a venue and surveyed other parents about the best days and times. “The class turned out to be super fun and a great workout,” said Amelia. “The class has become a non-negotiable in my schedule. And I’m always happy I went no matter how tired I was feeling before.”

The Zumba classes are open to people of all ages and fitness levels. Melissa says she hopes to create a fun and supportive environment where people can come together and dance.

"I want people to feel good about themselves," she said. "I think it’s cool seeing them be the best version of themselves."

The classes are held at Yoga Heights on 3506 Georgia Ave NW every Monday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at 8:15pm, and on Sundays at Sherman Circle at 10am. For more information visit: facebook/oneruledance and instagram/oneruledance