Get to know Ulysses E. Campbell (4E05 candidate)

Name: Ulysses E. Campbell

 What is your ANC and SMD?
ANC 4E05

What is the best way for constituents to contact you? 
ANC government email address will be the best means of contact.  That address will no go live until after the election.

I work as an actor, voice talent, independent producer.  Married in 1994 with two children.

What's a hobby or something fun that you are interested in?  
I volunteer with Martha's Table as a driver for their McKenna's Wagon mobile food service initiative helping feed neighbors experiencing housing instability or hunger.

What are your qualifications?
I've served as ANC 4C03 Commissioner and ANC 4C Treasurer since 2017.

What are the ANC meetings?
ANC 4E is newly established through redistricting.  Meeting schedule and location have yet to be determined.

Are you going to hold SMD meetings?
ANC 4E is newly established through redistricting.  Meeting schedule and frequency of monthly meetings has yet to be determined.

Do you attend other meetings?
Over the years I have attended meetings of MPD Police Service Area (PSA) 404 as well as monthly and committee meetings for ANC 4B, ANC 2E, ANC 4A, ANC 4D, The Ward 4 Democrats, the 16th Street Heights Neighborhood Association among others.  The MPD 4D online community group is available online.

Ulysses’ Priorities
If elected I'll work to address issues relating to gentrification, health and public safety including traffic/pedestrian safety..

Interested residents can get more information and connect with me via my campaign website.

Editor’s Note: All content is directly from the candidates with only minor edits for simple typographical issues. All photos are from the candidates. No endorsement is implied by these articles — hopefully you learn more about the people who want to represent you. Please vote!


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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