Help a survivor of domestic violence and donate an iPad, computer or Chromebook

Guest post by Maria Guillory
Director of Development & Communications
DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCCADV)

The DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCCADV) is the federally-recognized statewide coalition of domestic violence programs, organizations and individuals organized to ensure the elimination of domestic violence in the District of Columbia.

We are a resource for the thousands of adults and children experiencing domestic violence in the District each year, as well our 19-member organizations that serve them. Our work applies a framework for identifying social, economic, cultural, political, and legal factors that have critical implications for those affected by violence, oppression, subordination, and discrimination.

We’re reaching out to the Petworth community to ask you to consider making an in-kind donation to survivors of domestic violence.

We are looking for used and functional laptops, Google Chromebooks, iPads, etc. to be donated for our Survivor Advocacy Board (SAB). We need to secure 12-15 devices.

The SAB works with our advocacy team to provide input and help us shape our policy that we present to elected officials, external funders and other community partners. When these survivors flee, they leave everything, so they literally must rebuild every aspect of their lives. The devices allow members to participate in ZOOM meetings, research, look for and apply for jobs, and so on. We gift the devices to the survivors as part of an incentive for their participation. So, your donation helps survivors of domestic violence and DCCADV as we shape our policy/advocacy positions.

Please email if you can make an in-kind donation of a functional device. Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Know the warning signs of an abusive relationship so that you can advocate for yourself and others. To learn more, visit: If you or a loved one are in need of help, please call 1-844-4HELPDC