Voice your opinion on the redistricting of ANC and SMD boundaries this Sunday

by Cesse Ip

Following the 2020 census, the DC’s Ward boundaries needed to be redrawn to better reflect the population growth of the district. Ward 4 remained unchanged, but now the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force has the responsibility to redraw the boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANC) and the Single Member District (SMD) within them.  

An ANC’s main job is to be the neighborhood’s official voice in advising the District government and Federal agencies on things that affect their respective neighborhoods. These include things like requested or proposed zoning changes and liquor licenses, working on quality of life issues like trash collection and community events. Each SMD has a Commissioner who represents approximately 2,000 people, and many of the current SMDs have too many—or too few—residents. (Check your SMD.)

Share Your Opinion with the DC Council
The DC Council will host nine meetings on this topic, with two meetings offering public comment. (See the full list of meetings that you can attend via Zoom on the website of Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George.)

The two public meetings where residents can voice their opinions on the redistricting of ANCs and SMDs are Sunday, February 6th and March 8th. The first meeting allowing public comment is Sunday, February 6th at 2pm. Register online for the Zoom. (The next public hearing where residents can speak is Tuesday, March 8th at 7pm.)

Testimony by residents will be limited to 2-3 minutes (depending on the number of witnesses). Any person who RSVPs for the Zoom will be provided time to speak. Note that a written copy of your testimony should be sent to Ward4Redistricting@dccouncil.us.

If you are unable to attend the public meeting on Sunday, but would still like your opinion to be considered, you can email you comments to the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force at Ward4Redistricting@dccouncil.us.  

Each Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force has Spanish and ASL interpretation available. Additionally, each meeting is recorded so you can watch later.

Cesse Ip

Cesse Ip moved to DC in 2008, and in 2014 she and her husband decided to make Petworth their home. Petworth is where she found her best friends, her kids’ friends and her “people.” When she’s not working for the Department of Defense or chasing around her two small sons, she enjoys cooking, eating (especially when someone else is doing the cooking), reading and playing Settlers of Catan. A true nerd with two degrees in mathematics, writing came late to her, but she is looking forward to answering your questions about our community!

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