Draft agenda for ANC 4C December 11th meeting

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C has its December meeting on Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm at the Petworth Library. The draft agenda is below, and any updates are available online.


  1. Call to Order: 6:30pm

    1. All elected official and agency presentations will be held until the end of the meeting time permitting

    2. Agenda items are organized by when their hearing or meeting dates are instead of by zoning, ABRA, and other business

    3. To help keep the meeting moving we will pause for some time checks periodically. We intend to be adjourned by 8:45 pm and ask for your help in exiting the library. If you have questions for individual ANC Commissioners afterward please try to catch them outside or follow up with them via email.

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Consent Agenda


  1. Spring Flats Redevelopment Update (1125 Spring Road NW/Former Hebrew Home & Robeson School) (Victory Housing)


  1. 4315 New Hampshire Ave NW - Hearing scheduled for 12/18/19 (Coates)

    1. BZA Case No. 20172

    2. Presentation from developers, Sunvest LLC

    3. Letter of Support

  2. 1422 Shepherd Street NW

    1. BZA Case No. 20189

    2. Letter of Support


  1. Letter to Councilmember Todd on lack of response to ANC requests (Goodman)

    1. Due date / Hearing date: None

    2. Letter (coming)

  2. ANC 1A letter to DCRA supporting street vendor licensing (Goodman)

    1. Due date / Hearing date: None

    2. Letter (coming)


COMMUNITY COMMENT (2 minutes per speaker):

  1. Please watch the light. When it turns yellow please wrap up your comments.

  2. Comments about later agenda items should be held until that discussion.

  3. Candidates for elected office may not use the Community Comment to promote their campaign per a decision of the Office of Campaign Finance


  1. ANC Commissioner Announcements

  2. Agency and DC Elected Officials' Announcements (3 minutes each)


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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