A mixture of preserved history and modern functionality: This Old “Petworth” House (part 5)

A mixture of preserved history and modern functionality: This Old “Petworth” House (part 5)

This is the fifth in a series of articles that showcases some of the unique original features of our Petworth-area houses.

Kerry and Matt Hamblin bought their 1915 rowhouse on the 3800 block of 4th Street NW in 2007 and spent the next decade and a half restoring it. Throughout their rowhouse is a mixture of modern functionality and history. Matt, an architect, refurbished most of the house himself.

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Rowhouse with a rich history: This Old “Petworth” House (part 4)

Rowhouse with a rich history: This Old “Petworth” House (part 4)

This is the fourth in a series of articles that showcases some of the unique original features of our Petworth-area houses.

When Micaela emailed me to say that the previous owner commissioned a spiral bound book about the home’s history and invited me over, I knew it would be a treat!

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An Upshur Street original: This Old “Petworth” House (part 3)

An Upshur Street original: This Old “Petworth” House (part 3)

Carol Herwig bought her rowhouse on the 600 block of Upshur Street NW in 1985, back when mortgage companies were reluctant to work with women, she told me. She’s managed to retain so much original wood throughout the house.

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This Old Petworth House: Fireplaces galore on Otis Street NW

This Old Petworth House: Fireplaces galore on Otis Street NW

This is the second of a series of articles that will showcase some of the unique original features of our Petworth houses.

Larry Ray, owner of a rowhouse at 10th and Otis St NW in North Columbia Heights, was kind enough to invite me over to show me his unique old house. His home is one of six rowhouses built in 1898 at that corner.

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This Old "Petworth" House (part 1)

This Old "Petworth" House (part 1)

This is the first of a series of articles that will showcase some of the unique original features of our Petworth houses.

Many of our homes are over 100 years old. While some features like transom windows and pocket doors maybe have been salvaged during decades of renovations, other components may be more subtle or unique to individual homes.

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