CM Brandon Todd's first communication (mainly who & whats)

Newly elected Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd has sent out his first official communication. He shared a quick status update, but mainly a list of contact names and numbers for his office, including his new Director of Constituent Services, Jackson Carnes (

CM Todd's email is below:

Dear Neighbors:

It has been an exciting first week, and I am both humbled and honored that you have selected me to become your fifth elected Ward 4 Councilmember.

I have gone down to City Hall to work hard on the agenda that we’ve set together, a vision for our ward that focuses on helping seniors age in place, accelerating education reform, continuing sustainable economic development, and providing exceptional constituent services.

Our office has been fully operational from Day 1. If you have a constituent services request, please email my Director of Constituent Services, Jackson Carnes, at, or my Constituent Liaison, LaRoya Huff, at You can also reach us by phone by calling my office directly at (202) 724-8052.

For all other requests, please reach out to the appropriate member of my staff, listed below:

Sherryl H. Newman
Chief of Staff
(202) 724-8052

Dolly Turner
Deputy Chief of Staff & Scheduler
(202) 654-6406

Matthew Santoro
Director, Communications
(202) 724-8191

Jackson Carnes
Director, Constituent Services
(202) 724-8793

LaRoya Huff
Liaison, Constituent Services
(202) 724-8052

Too keep up-to-date on the work we’re doing for Ward 4, you can follow us on Twitter @CMBrandonTodd, or on Facebook. You can also reach me directly by emailing me at or on my cell phone at (202) 316-6001.

For more information, please visit our official Council page.

Thank you once again for the trust that you’ve placed in me. My job is to serve you, and I look forward to breaking new ground on Ward 4’s future with your insight, your input, and your energy.

Brandon T. Todd
Ward 4 Councilmember
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 105
202-724-8052 (Office)
202-316-6001 (Mobile)


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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