A new GoFundMe and volunteer effort helps with rent, food and more for Ward 4

If there’s anything we’ve learned during Covid, (besides how weird it is now to have someone stand closer to you than 6 feet), it’s that people are going out of their way, every day, to help each other out.

One of the latest iterations of that is a new GoFundMe set up by Petworth resident Katie Hamm, to help residents financially impacted by the economic fallout of the closures due to the novel coronavirus.

According to Katie, the GoFundMe is only part of a wider mutual aid network that’s been set up across DC.

“The effort is organized by volunteers and community organizers across Ward 4 as a mutual aid network,” Katie said. “There's a DC Mutual Aid Facebook group that includes organizers from all over the city, and there's a hotline for each Ward. Most have a GoFundMe to cover expenses.”

Volunteers are staffing the aid hotlines and dispatching volunteers to DC residents who need help. The Ward 4 hotline is (202) 681-3098. Volunteers are trying to help provide material support for the community in the form of food and supplies.

“Thus far, individuals have been paying for groceries and supplies when the people who call the hotline cannot cover them, but this isn't sustainable as the volume increases. Funds will subsidize the cost of groceries and supplies for seniors and those who are struggling financially. If demand starts to outstrip supply, we will reassess how to prioritize requests.”

She said they are hoping to raise $10,000, which they hope will allow the Ward 4 aid network to support 200 people with groceries or supplies.

The group has reached out to Councilmember Todd's office, ANC Commissioners, the Department of Parks & Recreation, and other city services to let them know about the hotline and . The city has started referring people to the hotline.

The GoFundMe page says, “The Ward 4 Mutual Aid effort is led by volunteers and community organizers who have mobilized in support of the community during this uncertain time.  The Ward 4 hotline — (202) 681-3098 — is already operational to provide groceries and supplies. In the coming weeks and months, we expect an increase in the volume of calls and additional need as the economic impact of the pandemic worsens.  All donations go to direct support for groceries, supplies, and financial aid.

If you can’t afford to donate financially, they are looking for volunteers to help. You can sign up to volunteer using an online form.


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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