The "perm" you didn’t know you needed

The "perm" you didn’t know you needed

Yes, that’s right. It’s time for a makeover. A permeable paver makeover!

Permeable pavers benefit the environment and offer several practical advantages to resident, making them a worthwhile investment for your property. They’re part of a larger movement towards green infrastructure and offer a range of environmental benefits that contribute to a healthier city environment and more resilient communities.

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During a global pandemic, someone actually stole a large, heavy... ceramic turtle?

During a global pandemic, someone actually stole a large, heavy... ceramic turtle?

A homeowner on Kansas Avenue NW, near Quincy and Randolph, reported that someone (or a couple of someones?) stole a large ceramic planter from her front yard in the middle of the night. The planter was full of soil and a plant, and at about 2 1/2 feet long and a foot and a half tall, was pretty heavy.

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