Help pick a new commemorative artwork for Ward 4

You can help select a commemorative works project to be located in Ward 4!

Upper Georgia Avenue Main Street is partnering with the DC Office of Planning to gather input on the subject of a commemorative work for Ward 4: a statue, a street medallion, a sculpture, etc. Subjects can be individuals, groups or events of historical significance to the Ward. (Petworth News statue, anyone?? Or is that just me wondering if it’s a cool idea?)

Here are some important dates/opportunities just around the corner related to the project:

Saturday, June 17: Research and Nomination Hands-on Workshop
11AM to 1PM
Juanita Thornton/Shepherd Park Library
7240 Georgia Avenue NW, Meeting Room 2

Need help researching your nomination? Want to meet neighbors submitting their nominations? Come join us for an in-person, hands-on research project day! Please register online!

Thursday, June 28: Nominations Deadline

Any Ward 4 resident may submit their ideas online for a Commemorative Works subject.  Nominate individuals, groups, events or other significant elements of DC culture/history and of long-term, historic importance. Also, it may be a person who has been deceased for at least 10 years or an event that has occurred at least 10 years ago. 

Project Details

On June 1, an online community conversation was held. We sought to answer neighbor questions:

What is a commemorative work? How can I participate in the Ward 4 selection process? Plus, we had a great Q+A session with the Office of Planning.

If you missed the kick-off meeting, a recording is posted online.