The Fed City Team at Century 21 Redwood Realty would like to help everyone buy a home [sponsored]

The Fed City Team at Century 21 Redwood Realty would like to help everyone buy a home [sponsored]

The team at Fed City at Century 21 Redwood Realty understands that for most first-time homebuyers, saving for a down payment is the hardest part. In fact, in the DC metro area, it is extremely hard to dig out from paying a high rent payment each month. But I am here to tell you that you may not need to save 3% to 20% for a loan. You may not need any money down at all. There are grants available in our area that are offering to cover down payment and/or closing costs. I found one that even covers BOTH if you qualify! These are grants and do not have to repaid. Essentially, they are gifts! Beat that, Santa!

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