Petworth Porchfest is coming back, and you can play or volunteer a porch!

The wildly popular and successful community-wide music festival, Petworth Porchfest, returns for its third year on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 2pm - 6pm.

Organizers are seeking bands to perform, hosts to offer up their porch, and volunteers to help run the event. If you want to be involved, here’s your chance.

Have a band? fill out this form:

Wanna offer up your porch and host a band?

How about volunteer and help make the event happen:

Have a business and want to get involved? They’re looking for Sponsors, or to have businesses offer specials, host a band out front (based on availability and logistics), post a sign or poster or other cool ideas. If that’s you, fill out this form: 

You can stay up to date with Porchfest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!