Boo! Halloween events (& pirate house) in Petworth

I have a feeling that this Halloween, falling as it does on a Saturday, is going to feature a lot of little people in costumes knocking on doors looking for candy. Don't be the person who gives out nickels and dimes, get the good stuff!  See events below.

Have you seen this insanely cool house on Sherman Circle? It's a Halloween pirate takeover, and it's great -- kudos to the owners for being awesome. They set up front-yard displays for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. My 4 year daughter adores it (and took some of the pictures below!)

There's a lot going on around Petworth to celebrate the pumpkin-carving day in a fun, safe way.

Here's a few of the events:

Petworth Recreation Center (Friday, October 30th)

Party, parade & yoga!

The Petworth Recreation Center is hosting a Halloween party and parade for the little ones on Friday October 30th at 4:30pm. The kids will parade in full costume from the Rec Center north on 8th to Upshur, pop in some of the businesses on Upshur for Halloween fun, and finally loop back to the Rec Center for more party!

Lighthouse Yoga
To kick off the Halloween festivities, Lighthouse Yoga Center will be leading a free Halloween-themed kids' yoga class at 4:30pm on Friday October 30th at the Petworth Recreation Center. The class is for all ages and a great way to kick off our parade around the block! Thank you so much to Lighthouse Yoga and Safeway for donating their time and goods to this event!

St. Paul's Center 

Halloween Bash 

Friday night 6-8pm, October 30th! Haunted house, hay rides, and more! Bring a canned good. 
201 Allison St NW.

Petworth Farmer's Market & Library (Saturday, Oct 31)

9:00am-12:00pm: Pumpkin Decorating: Decorate your own mini pumpkin with stickers, glitter, gems, markers, and other spooky supplies. 
10:00am: Petworth Library will hold a Halloween-themed story time
10:30am: Halloween parade for the kids. Every kid that participates with a costume will get a small prize. The parade with be accompanied with Halloween related songs by the "Market Band.”

5th & Taylor Block Party

9th Annual - Celebrate Petworth - Halloween Bash

When: Saturday, 10/31/15
Where: 500 Block Taylor St. NW
Time: 1pm-4pm
Moonbounce, Pumpkin painting, free food, raffle & prizes, costume parade, and new & familiar faces (or masks)!


Pet Costume Contest & Party at Fido & Kitty's World:

2015 Annual Petworth Pet Costume Contest!

Saturday, October 31st: 3 to 5pm at Fido & Kitty's World, 4130 Georgia Avenue NW

Bring your pet (in a costume... you too!)

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place for best costume

MPD Fourth District Halloween Safe Haven Block Party

Saturday, Oct 31st, 6pm - 9pm, 900 block of Quackenbos NW (adjacent to 4D headquarters)
Fun, games and prizes!

Shepherd Park:

12th annual Halloween Parade hosted by the Shepherd Park Citizens Association

Saturday, October 31st at 6 pm SHARP at Shepherd Field, Jonquil St. NW between 14th and 16th Sts. NW. 
Kids in costume -- with or without parental help -- merely walk one lap around the blue-oval track at Shepherd Field. Along the way, grown-ups will hand out glow-stick necklaces (while they last) and kids can also get a head start on their treat-getting.
Parents will also be able to get a copy of the annual trick or treat address list, with more than 100 homes in Shepherd Park -- with separate listings for addresses east and west 16th Street -- saying they'll be dispensing treats (or tricks) to the wee ones. Also on the list will be the houses which signed up for the annual Shepherd Park house and pumpkin decorating contest.
The parade is part of the SPCA's ongoing efforts to provide a fun and safe Halloween experience for its youngest residents. For details, get in touch with SPCA president Mark Pattison.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!