Robert White is running for Mayor of DC. And that's a Very Good Thing.

Robert White is running for Mayor of DC. And that's a Very Good Thing.

Muriel Bowser has done a good job over her two terms... but crime remains high, and while more police are needed citywide, MPD isn't the only answer to rising crime. Expanded city services, violence interrupters, mental health officers and advocates are needed. Creating a fairer economic landscape and giving people a step up, ensuring affordable housing is available, and that residents get equal opportunities as development continues should be a greater focus.

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When COVID comes home — ideas on occupying your family during an infection

When COVID comes home — ideas on occupying your family during an infection

On Christmas morning before our extended family gathering, my immediate family all took rapid COVID-19 tests per the extended family agreement. My oldest child’s test was positive. I immediately thought… “F*ck.” There started two weeks of quarantine and trying to find activities to occupy my two kids. Here’s some of the COVID-safe things we did.

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Either DGS lied or they can't figure out how to explain a "fix" (Editorial Op-Ed)

Either DGS lied or they can't figure out how to explain a "fix" (Editorial Op-Ed)

On Wednesday, August 25th, staff from the Department of Government Services (DGS) led by Director Keith Anderson, took Councilmember Janeese Lewis George and some of her staff on a tour of Powell Elementary to review a new, “temporary fix” for the school’s broken HVAC system. But when asked to clarify the fix… DGS has no answer.

There is no HVAC fix.

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It's the neighbors who help make a place be a welcoming neighborhood

It's the neighbors who help make a place be a welcoming neighborhood

This is the story of how I fell in love with Petworth (and why I decided to start writing for Petworth News). To be more active in the community that has given me so much. To write stories about the amazing people that I know are out there. To answer questions, provide information, and maybe even humor at the hyperlocal level. I’m looking forward to getting to know more of you as I become more active at Petworth News.

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Facebook readers get upset, I apologize, and life goes on

Facebook readers get upset, I apologize, and life goes on

The story of where I publish a quick post on Facebook after spending time on phone calls discussing the tribulations of local small businesses in the time of covid, and catch on fire from the heat of reader comments.

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Dog breed specific legislation: It just doesn’t work -- a student perspective

Dog breed specific legislation: It just doesn’t work -- a student perspective

I am an owner of two pitbull: my girl’s name is Precious and my boy’s name is Max. I love them both so very dearly and can't imagine being without them. It saddens me to know that there are laws that are intended to protect people but are hurting animals and pet owners.

Ed note: We’re pleased to publish the article below from Toni Blakeney, a senior at Capital City Public Charter School.

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Op-Ed: The DC Council must include Howard University Hospital in the United Health Services agreement

Op-Ed: The DC Council must include Howard University Hospital in the United Health Services agreement

The DC Council should reconsider the current plan for the East End hospital as it does not include provisions for Howard University’s doctors, residents and medical and other health professions’ students to provide services and training. (Opinion)

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Hail to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin... a remembrance

Hail to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin... a remembrance

I'm not a music critic but a music lover. With the passing of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, I've been moved to pay tribute. Aretha was iconic, awesomely talented, confident in her ability and demanded RESPECT.

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Hamilton shines on Broadway and the Kennedy Center -- try to get tix!

Hamilton shines on Broadway and the Kennedy Center -- try to get tix!

Hamilton in the hottest tickets on Broadway and in any other city it plays. The story of Alexander Hamilton the first Secretary of Treasury is brilliantly  told by  Lin-Manuel Miranda through a combination of glowing lyrics that encompass hip hop, jazz, blues, rap and R&B. The choreography at times is fast moving and high energy with a cast that is predominantly people of color. What a creative way to tell the story! 

Hamilton is currently on a 14-week run at the Kennedy Center through September 16th. If there is any way you can participate in this phenomenon, do it!  

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Awake and unable to move... when sleep makes life stranger than fiction

Awake and unable to move... when sleep makes life stranger than fiction

I have always had less-than-ideal sleeping habits. As a child, my siblings would taunt me for falling asleep downstairs watching TV rather than going to my bed when I was sleepy. (That practice continues today.) I always fall asleep on the sofa and then wake up and stumble off to my bedroom. There are times I wake up in the wee hours of the morning and watch TV until I fall back to sleep and wake up at about 6AM. These practices do not promote a peaceful and restful sleep.

One morning, things got very bizarre and 911 had to be called.

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Before #MeToo, there was "The First Silence Breaker"

Before #MeToo, there was "The First Silence Breaker"

In this era of the #MeToo movement, which has caused a cataclysmic effect across many professions in the wake of pervasive sexual harassment and silence, I want to recognize a local woman. A woman whose courage was critical to the legal case that established the precedent and protection against sexual harassment for all women today. That unsung hero is Sandra Gray Bundy, also known as "The First Silence Breaker” in the March edition of the Washingtonian Magazine.

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12 Angry Women: Petworth moms pay Senator Marco Rubio a visit to say "Hands off DC"

12 Angry Women: Petworth moms pay Senator Marco Rubio a visit to say "Hands off DC"

Our shared goal was to tell Senator Marco Rubio to keep his hands off of DC gun laws and to ensure safe schools for our children and safe streets for our families and neighbors. We were there to voice objection to members of Congress, who don’t represent DC residents, making major decisions about our lives. 

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Aging gracefully and other life lessons

Aging gracefully and other life lessons

The DC Office on Aging (DCOA)  newsletter dated June 2016 noted that there were 300 registered Centenarians in the District of Columbia. The oldest DC resident according to the DCOA is Betsy Stanford, a Ward 4 resident who was born in 1903. On December 15th, my mother Catherine Cooper joined the growing list of persons to reach the golden age of 100.

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A look back at the top posts of 2017

A look back at the top posts of 2017

Happy New Year! It's been a crazy year for many reasons, but I'm grateful that the blog has continued to grow and be read by so many people. The blog went viral nationally a few times, and appeared on the front page of HuffPost and NPR, was quoted by the New York Times and helped change animal welfare laws in the District, and was voted Best Community Blog (runner up!) for the second time in two years. Not too shabby.  Here's a look at the top 10 articles and content based on number of unique readers from the past year. I hope the year ahead is a healthy and happy one for you.

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