Photo gallery from Petworth Jazz Project, September 2016

With great weather, a large crowd and good music and dance, the September Petworth Jazz Project on September 24th was another excellent event.

The Petworth Jazz Project featured the amazing music of Mark Meadows, the dance of Petworth Dance Project, kids' music by Baba Ras D, food by Chik's Chik'n Food Truck and pre-show, in-between and post-show music by DJ Unknown (Richard Patterson). 

Kudos to Tom Pipkin and Sara Herrera for their efforts on adding a little bit more culture to our little piece of the District.

There's one more Petworth Jazz Project scheduled for October (as a make up for the rained-out July show).

If you see a picture of yourself in the next 30 days that you'd like, contact me and I'll send you a high-resolution version.

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